Sandra's Manifesto: SATORI IN SANDRA
In progress, written by Sandra sometime between February and May 2008.
People are always sharing with me stories of miracles, for which I am truly grateful. I believe I have already experienced three miracles and that’s really all I need. First I was born into the most loving family, honest love without bounds. Second I experienced the greatest joy with Hernan, the only person who can put up with me. Third, I was diagnosed with cancer which opened me up to awareness of the moment as it is. I could have lived 50 more years and probably not experienced what I have in the last six years without the three miracles. I am truly blessed. That’s why I am so full of joy with even three months left. What excitement lies ahead! I am ready. WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I have had the opportunity in the last year to experience a revolution of consciousness where everything came together for me and made sense, FINALLY!!! There are so many people I have to thank for creating this opportunity to explore and experiment. I understood and had experienced on and off what was to fully live in the moment. Then I started practicing with each moment (as much as I could) awareness of the moment. Where was I? What was I thinking about? What was I doing to escape the moment, the only reality that exists? That awareness was the basis for the revolution. The real breakthrough was letting go of expectations and hope for what would happen to me. Would this chemo work? Would I live to see Josine walk? Would I ever have hair? Does hair really matter? COME ON!! When I let go of those anxious questions, I lost all fear. It is bliss to live without fear, to live with the faith that everything is as it should be.
There is nothing revolutionary or unique about what I understand now. I know nothing, in fact, but I am experiencing so many different sensations these days. You have heard it before, seen it before, read it before. I have heard, seen, read, watched it all before and most times, it did not stick. I am hesitant to even share with you what I am experiencing. Honestly, to really understand anything, you have to experience it yourself.
However, a wise woman recently told me that I may be the 1st, the 287th, the 499th person to tell you these insights, and then you hear it for the 500th time, and it hits you and you understand. There has to be the 1st, the 287th, the 499th time to get to that 500th, and that in itself is valuable. Let me be the 313th.
Don’t worry what other people think. It’s not real.
FUCK GUILT! It’s not real.
Everyone needs a deadline. No one has ever escaped death.
We make our own hell.
Let go of the baggage. Its heavy but there is really nothing to it but your attachment.
When in doubt, always order the quesadilla.
Live without expectations. That is pure living. Love without expectations. That is pure love.
Baskin Robbins definitely has the best mint chocolate chip ice cream.
You will never find solutions to your problems in another person or thing. All the answers lie within you. Love yourself first and then you will experience pure love in others. Love yourself.
LIVE LIVE LIVE LIVE LIVE. First start with the awareness
Calm the mind to focus so that you work smarter and don’t waste your time ruminating.
Always take an umbrella when you leave the house.
Practice, continuous practice
When in doubt, touch your nose three times and wink.
Give and receive lots of kisses and hugs.
Be nice to animals, not to spiders, though.
Try to get bit by a snake. I hear it really hurts and is quite frightening.
Drive carefully. Talking on a cell phone while driving is more dangerous than drunk driving. Better yet, try not to drive at all.
Scratch your back against a tree, except if it has poison ivy growing on it.