We Love You, Sandra Sandra Her Clan Photos Videos Happy Ending In Her Memory


Sandra Quotes

  • "Mcgruber. I got 10 inches of lovin and I wanna give it to you!"

  • "I should have done this dying thing a long time ago." -- Said by Sandra on the day of her 34th birthday (the best party ever), as loved ones massaged each hand and foot.
  • "Party, Pizza Party!!! Whooooo!!!" -- Sung with excitement with Ali

  • "Shit on a shingle" -- Spoken three times in a row (someone said this to Sandra and Ali when they were 12 and 10 years old respectively, when passing by a Taco Bell)
  • "Stick to your guns. Put your foot down. Give them Hell, Harry. Follow your heart." -- Advice from Sandra, November 2006
  • "Awwwwesome" -- like in the movie “Bowfinger”
  • "Tenés calor? Toca el tambor; Tenés frío? Tapate con la capa de tu tío."
  • "Spring is here in full blast.  The flowering trees are blooming and there are buds bursting.  It is so warm.  I am happy.  Sometimes, I wonder if this is my last spring.  But I think that way each season and it just makes it that much sweeter when I experience another season again." -- email to Blair, March 2007
  • "BIG KISS" -- How Sandra often signed her emails
  • "What are you going to do to me - blow me up?! Then I could go out in a blaze of glory! But I'd at least like to make it to my birthday tomorrow." -- Said by Sandra on May 2, 2008 when some of her smoking friends said they better put out their cigarettes since they were near her Oxygen tank
  • "I loved the miniature ponies! (referring to photos Blair sent)  Miniatures always remind me of a fantastical world where I imagine they talk in deep voices full of wisdom.  I did have a miniature bite me once, which was not very fantastical." -- email to Blair, October 2007
  • “Aliana is expecting a baby girl in September, my first NIECE!!!, so I am excited to take on my share of diaper changing responsibilities.” -- email to Blair, July 2006
  • “If you haven’t seen Redwood National Park, it is worth the long drive.  Magnificent trees, yummy earth smells, and oceans breezes.  What more can you ask from life?” -- email to Blair, October 2006
  • “At this point, I am not worrying about what is going on with the cancer.  I am getting better at staying present. I am having more pain than ever before but I am still enjoying each moment.  That's all I can do.” -- email to Blair, September 2007
  • Tam and PamWith fist raised in the air, “Viva Tam and Pam!” -- Sandra’s last words to Julie. (Tam & Pam were nicknames for their mischievous selves)
  • “I remember celebrating your 21st birthday 10 years ago at forestry camp.  I look forward to celebrating with you in another 10 years, when you are really old!  Shouldn't 31 be just as important as 21?  Should we not get the right to smoke weed or walk around naked or something similar to being able to legally enter a bar?  Entering your 30s brings much more responsibility than entering your 20s, so I hope you celebrate just as big today as 10 years ago." -- email to Julie, July 14, 2005
  • "I sometimes feel like I am not as confident as before.  I so want another chance, but maybe that is not my path.  UGGH!!  I am sort of sick of the chemo, although it is really not so bad, but I feel like my life is on hold. In fact, this is my life and it is not on hold.  Rather, it is racing from underneath me. Now from all that, you probably think I am super down and depressed when in fact, I bubble with energy and activity and love and happiness almost constantly.  Thank you for letting me write this to you.  I know you understand me." -- email to Julie, July 31, 2006
  • "33!!!  The same age as Jesus when he changed the face of western culture.  Here's to you to do the same.  No pressure, just being you is enough for me!!!" -- email to Julie, July 14, 2007
  • “Sos un ético pelético pelín panflético. Pelado, peludo, pelín, panfludo.” -- Sandra used to say this very fast. Learned it from Hernan, who quite often would ask her to say it because he loved how cute she sounded while saying it.
  • "Jose, You are so adorable.  What a sweet spirit you have!  Thank you so much for your email! There are two things you can do for me:
    1. Love Susanna and your children with all your heart.  All the world needs are loving people like you and your family.
    2. Live life with all you have, with no fear or hesitation (and I have experienced that you can do that.)  Focus on the moment as it is, because that is the only thing that is real.  All the other stuff is bullshit.

    Knowing that you are doing those two things will bring me peace and make me smile! I love you! Sandra" -- email response to Jose Naranjo, April 3, 2008

Sandra Her Clan Photos Videos Happy Ending In Her Memory